Tuesday, December 20, 2016


1. Explain what happened to the man that was killed by the subway and how the photographer was able to take the photo. 
The mans name is ki suk Han. He was pushed on to the tracks by a panhandler who has been harassing him. The photographer was at the scene when this occurred, the photographer tired to help him by flashing the camera flash at the train. The train wasn't able to stop fast enough to save the man. 

2. Why did the photographer say he took the photo?
The Photographer said that he was warning the train conductor by putting the flash on the camera. So thats how he got the photos.

3. Do you think the photographer should have taken the photo?
I personally don't think he should have taken the picture of the man when he needed help. but the photographer was just doing his job. This photographer has taken pictures like this before so he probably thought why not add to my collection. 

4. Do you think the photographer did the best thing he could have done in this situation? Why or why not?
The photographer could have done more in my opinion. the photographer could have went over to the man and helped him pull himself up off the tracks. The photographer was also smart to try and get the train conductors attention by flashing the camera flash and jumping up and down.

5. Do you agree or disagree with the decision to run the photo on the front page of the New York Post? Explain why or why not.
I do agree with the decision to run the photo on the front page of the new york post because this photo could either open up peoples eyes or it could either make people sick. This picture opened up my eyes and told me that the world we live in is very cruel and cold.

6. What is more important to a photojournalist, capturing images of life as it happens or stopping bad things from happening? Why or why not?
To a photojournalist its more important to capture life has its happening then to try and prevent the bad ting from happening. This is more important to them because they want to have photos that show people what kind of world we really live in. 

7. Do you think it is ever ethically acceptable for a photographer to involve himself/herself in a situation that he or she photographs? Explain why or why not.
I don't think its really ethically acceptable because the photographer really doesn't know the full background story and the event leading up to what is happening in that very moment. The photographer could also make the situation way worse then it should be.

8. Should photojournalists always avoid influencing events as they happen? Explain your answer. 
I don't think they should always avoid influencing event as they happen. If its a life or death situation then i think it would be ok to step in a help the person out. That i think is the only reason why they should influence events as they are happening.

9. After reading the responses from the professional photographers, what stands out as the most appropriate response for a photographer to this situation.
All of the professional photograpghers are choosing a life or photographs. The professional photographers know what they are saying and asking about because a photo is not with someone loosing his or her life over and thats the most appropriate response from a professional photographer on this situation. 

Friday, December 2, 2016

Fashion Photography

1. List the changes that were made to the model's face with Photoshop in the computer. (Look carefully)
Her eyes got bigger
Smoothed out her face
Lips got bigger
Made face skinnier 
Elongated her neck 
Made her shoulders smaller 
Fixed her hair 

2. List the changes that were made to the model's body with Photoshop in the computer. (Look carefully)
Made eyes bigger
Smoother skin 
Lightened skin
Made her taller
Made her skinnier
Made nose smaller 
Made her thighs reduced 
Made her lips bigger 
Feet smaller 

3. List the changes that were made to the model with Photoshop in the computer. (Look carefully)
Made everything skinnier
Made her breasts larger
Made her skin smoother
Made her butt larger 
Waist skinnier
Face Skinnier
Made her hair longer 
Made her tanner 

4. Is it ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance like these in a photo? Why or why not? 
I think that it is not ethical because when people edit someone's appearance these images are put into womens head and they will try to achieve the look. I think that editing images and changes appearances really takes a toll on women.  

5. Are there circumstances in which it would be more ethically wrong to do this type of manipulation?
To me it's ethically wrong in all situations. There are a lot of ads that say like true beauty and stuff like that but they edit the shit out the women in those ads. Sometimes they edit the person to where they don't even look the same. 

6. What types of changes are OK, and what aren't?
The little changes are Ok. The little changes are like smoothing out the skin and getting rid of blemishes, fixing hair just small stuff that won't make a really big difference. When editing a photo of somewhere i think that when the person doesn't even look like the same person that's when you know you have over done it with the editing.

7. Explain what you think the differences are between fashion photography and photojournalism.
Photojournalism is anything in the real world. Photojournalism doesn't do heavy editing but it's more about the natural beauty in life. Fashion photography is based on fashion. Fashion is still a form of art but it is mainly to sell products. Fashion photography also uses photoshop heavily and tells the public that an unrealistic body is more beautiful them the one you have.

8. What relationship does each type of photography have to reality, and how does this affect the ethical practice of each?
Fashion photography tells lies to the public and puts unrealistic beauty standards in out heads. Since they are putting in our heads we need to have this product to make us fit this unrealistic beauty standard we will go out and buy this product fit the standard. photojournalism is in its raw form. In photojournalism we use levels and cropping to enhance the image for viewing purposes only. Photojournalism is also to show the viewer what happened at that event in that moment. 

9. Why do you think I am showing you these three videos?
I think that you are showing us these videos because this needs to be addressed and be need to stop being oblivious to these real life issues. I think that since you showed us these videos that we really need to give our selfs a reality checks.

10. Why are none of these videos about guys?
There are no guys in these videos because guys are not put under beauty expectations but women are. All these videos are targeted towards women due to the beauty standards we are under. 

Top 100 photographs of all time

1. I picked this picture because all the people and the gorilla popped out at me when i was looking at the picture. I also really like gorillas so that also had a part for me to pick this photo.

2. In Congo there endangered gorillas that live in Virunga national park. there were some people there illegally harvesting wood. the park rangers fought back by shooting at them. The gorillas doing with the illegal people there were shot.

3. The additional I learned was like they questioned some of the illegal people harvesting their wood for the charcoal industry.  After this event happened where the endangered gorillas got shot in Congo and a few other country signed a treaty to protect the endangered gorillas.

4. The picture I have selected from the website is the most famous picture of his.
Picture  that caught me eye:

5. Name:  Brent Stirton 
    born: 1969
    born where: South Africa 
    college: can't find it.

1. I picked this image because she looked very peaceful and pretty. demi being pregnant caught my eye because most pregnant women really wouldn't do photo shoots when they are pregnant. 

2.This type of photo wasn't unusual for Moore. This was the first photograph to sexualize being pregnant. Some grocery stores wouldn't put out this magazine issue. The grocery stores would cover this photo up like it was pornography.  

3. There wasn't any additional information to go along with this picture.

5. names: Annie Leibovitz
    born: October 2, 1949
    born where: Waterbury, CT
    college: San Francisco art institution 

1. I picked this image because I wanted to see if people knew about him being abusive and they just weren't doing anything. This image caught my eye because the guy was hitting the girl.

2. This photo helped raise awareness for violence against women. The photographer reached out to magazine issues to publish this image but all of them refused.

3.The photographer was wanting to start a new project so she wanted to do a project about couple swinging. She chose this certain couple because they interested her. This couple interested her because they did there swinging in their own house.

4. Her most famous photo is the one have chosen.

5. name: Donna Ferrato
    born: June 5, 1949
    born where: Waltham, WA
    college: San Francisco art institution 

1.  I picked this picture because I was actually alive when this picture was taken. This image caught my eye because it had a lot of people in the photo.

2. Ellen was the host of the show and she got in the selfie along with all the other stars. Ellen used a Samsung phone for the selfie which really boosted Samsung sells. After the selfie was taken Ellen posted it on twitter which got 3 million retweets the most retweets in history.

3. Ellen was just gonna take a selfie with one person. Then Bradley said he will just take it for them but they Ellen just said get in the photo. Ellen couldn't get everyone in the photo so Bradley took the photo cause he was in the front and his arm was longer.

4. His most famous photo is the image a picked. This photo I picked is the only picture that he has taken as a "photography" So I will just choose the oscar selfie.

5. name: Bradley Cooper
    born: January 5, 1975
    born where: Philadelphia, PA
    college: Georgetown University

1. I  picked this photo because I really liked how she was posed and I also really liked the black and white photograph. This image caught my eye because of the big elephants and the small women. 

2. Dovima was a very well know model and the photographer was a very well-known fashion photographer. Dovima is wearing the first gown designed by Dior. This photo was taken at a circus in Paris. The photographer wanted to capture Dovima beauty and strength (the Elephants)

3. There was no additional information to along with this image.

4. Richard Avedon most famous picture is the one I have picked. 

5. name: Richard Avedon
    born: May 15, 1923
    born where: New York City, NY
    college: Columbia University